Card Assets

Release: 2024-09-14 02:00:00 (UTC)
Team Cost: 77
Card Stats
Base (Lv.1)
Base (Lv.150)
100% (Lv.150)

Super Warrior Who Destroys All
Legendary Super Saiyan Broly
Leader Skill
"Uncontrollable Power", "Revenge" or
"Planetary Destruction" Category
Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +170%,
plus an additional HP, ATK & DEF +30%
for characters who also belong to the
"Movie Bosses", "Transformation Boost"
or "Pure Saiyans" Category
Passive Skill - Undying Devil
Activates the Entrance Animation upon the character's entry
Extreme Class allies' DEF 40%
for 4 turn(s)
Basic effect(s)ATK & DEF 260%
Damage reduction rate 60%
Receives an additional Ki +2 per Type Ki Sphere obtained
When attackingATK 100%
For every Type Ki Sphere obtainedRecovers 2% HP
When the Domain "Molten Lava of Natade Village" is activeGuards all attacks Randomly changes Ki Spheres of a certain Type (INT & STR excluded) to STR Ki Spheres at the start of the character's attacking turn when the Domain is active
Attacks are effective against all Types if the character performs an attack when the Domain is active
When the character or an ally attacking in the same turn is KO'd starting from the 5th turn from the character's entry turn
Revives with 60% HP recovered
After the character's or an ally's Revival Skill is activatedDEF 60%
when receiving an attack
After the character's Revival Skill is activated
Changes Ki Spheres: PHY to INT "Uncontrollable Power" Category allies' ATK & DEF 60%
within the character's attacking turn

Basic effect(s)

When attacking

For every Type Ki Sphere obtained
When the Domain "Molten Lava of Natade Village" is active

When the character or an ally attacking in the same turn is KO'd starting from the 5th turn from the character's entry turn

After the character's or an ally's Revival Skill is activated

After the character's Revival Skill is activated

Active Skill - Earth-Crushing Arm
Massively raises ATK temporarily and
causes ultimate damage to enemy;
creates the Domain "Molten Lava
of Natade Village" for 3 turns
Can be activated when there is a "Goku's Family" Category enemy, or when all allies attacking in the same turn are "Uncontrollable Power" Category characters (once only)
Can be activated when there is a "Goku's Family" Category enemy, or when all allies attacking in the same turn are "Uncontrollable Power" Category characters (once only)
Dokkan Field
Molten Lava of Natade Village
"Uncontrollable Power" Category
enemies' and allies' ATK & DEF +15%;
increases damage received by
Super Class enemies and allies by 15%,
plus an additional 10% for characters who
also belong to the "Movie Heroes" Category
Super Attack (12 Ki)
Savage Blaster
Massively raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn with
a high chance of further raising DEF for 1 turn
and causes colossal damage with
a high chance of stunning the enemy
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Ultra Super Attack (18 Ki)
Gigantic Driver
Massively raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn with
a high chance of further massively raising ATK
for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage
with a great chance of stunning the enemy
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)