Card Assets

Release: 2024-09-10 06:00:00 (UTC)
Team Cost: 32
Card Stats
Base (Lv.1)
Base (Lv.120)
100% (Lv.120)

Brilliant Plan to Conquer the Enemy
Super Saiyan Trunks (Kid)
Leader Skill
"Hybrid Saiyans" Category
Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%
Passive Skill - Innocent Provocation
Basic effect(s) Ki +2 ATK & DEF 140%
"Hybrid Saiyans" Category allies' Ki +1 and ATK & DEF 25%
High chance of evading enemy's attack
When receiving an attackDEF 40%
When there is another "Hybrid Saiyans" Category ally attacking in the same turnATK 140%
Launches an additional attack that has a high chance of becoming a Super Attack
For 4 turn(s) from the character's entry turnKi +1 and ATK & DEF 25%
for allies whose names include "Gohan (Teen)" or "Goten (Kid)" within the character's attacking turn
As the 1st attacker in a turnChance of evading enemy's attack 20%
After evading an attackATK 140%
temporarily and high chance of performing a critical hit upon the character's next attack
Every time the character evades 5 or more attacks in battleChance of evading enemy's attack 20%
within the character's next attacking turn (up to 20% within a turn)

When receiving an attack

When there is another "Hybrid Saiyans" Category ally attacking in the same turn

For 4 turn(s) from the character's entry turn

As the 1st attacker in a turn

After evading an attack

Every time the character evades 5 or more attacks in battle

Active Skill - Come Paddle My Bottom!
DEF +40% and directs enemy's attack
towards the character for 1 turn;
"Hybrid Saiyans" Category allies' Ki +4 for 1 turn
Can be activated after the character evades 5 or more enemy attacks (including Super Attacks) in battle (once only)
Can be activated after the character evades 5 or more enemy attacks (including Super Attacks) in battle (once only)
Super Attack (12 Ki)
Burning Breaker
Greatly raises DEF for 3 turns and
causes supreme damage to enemy;
raises allies' DEF by 30% for 1 turn