Card Assets

Release: 2018-05-25 06:30:00 (UTC)

Team Cost: 77
Card Stats
Base (Lv.1)
Base (Lv.150)
100% (Lv.150)
EZA (Lv.150)
100% (Lv.150)

Golden Fist
Super Saiyan 3 Goku

Leader Skill
Super TEQ Type Ki +4
and HP, ATK & DEF +100%;
Extreme TEQ Type Ki +2
and HP, ATK & DEF +70%
Passive Skill - Certain Triumph
Basic effect(s) DEF 120%
When attacking with 18 or more KiATK 180%
DEF 70%

When attacking with 18 or more Ki

Super Attack (12 Ki)
Instant Transmission Kamehameha
Causes colossal damage
with a rare chance of stunning the enemy
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Ultra Super Attack (18 Ki)
Dragon Fist
Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy
and greatly lowers DEF
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Leader Skill (Extreme)
Super TEQ Type
Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%;
Extreme TEQ Type
Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%
Passive Skill - Certain Triumph (Extreme)
Basic effect(s) ATK 59%
DEF 200%
When attacking with 12 or more KiATK & DEF 120%
Before attacking with 18 or more KiDamage reduction rate 50%
within the turn
When attacking with 18 or more KiATK 200%
Interrupts the attacked enemy
For every Super Attack performed
Ki +2 (up to +6) and ATK 20%
(up to 59%)
When HP is 59% or less and facing only 1 enemy starting from the 6th turn from the character's entry turnKi +7 and ATK 59%
Performs a critical hit

When attacking with 12 or more Ki

Before attacking with 18 or more Ki

When attacking with 18 or more Ki

For every Super Attack performed

When HP is 59% or less and facing only 1 enemy starting from the 6th turn from the character's entry turn

Super Attack (12 Ki)
Instant Transmission Kamehameha (Extreme)
Greatly raises ATK, raises DEF for 1 turn
and causes colossal damage with
a high chance of stunning the enemy
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Ultra Super Attack (18 Ki)
Dragon Fist (Extreme)
Massively raises ATK and raises DEF for 1 turn,
causes mega-colossal damage to enemy
and massively lowers DEF
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)