Card Assets

Release: 2024-09-14 02:00:00 (UTC)
Team Cost: 77
Card Stats
Base (Lv.1)
Base (Lv.150)
100% (Lv.150)

All-Out Super Attack
Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen)
Leader Skill
"Kamehameha" Category
Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +200%
Passive Skill - Power to Protect Earth
Basic effect(s) Ki +5 ATK & DEF 200%
For every attack performed
Ki +2
ATK 40%
(up to 200%)
DEF 30%
(up to 150%)
For every Super Attack performedATK 77%
within the turn
When attacking with 18 or more KiLaunches an additional attack that has a great chance of becoming a Super Attack
When attacking with 24 KiATK 58%
Launches an additional Super Attack Attacks are effective against all Types when HP is 77% or more
When there is another "Kamehameha" or "Earth-Bred Fighters" Category ally attacking in the same turnKi +2 Guards all attacks High chance of evading enemy's attack if HP is 77% or less when receiving an attack

For every attack performed

For every Super Attack performed

When attacking with 18 or more Ki
When attacking with 24 Ki

When there is another "Kamehameha" or "Earth-Bred Fighters" Category ally attacking in the same turn
Standby Skill
Enters Standby Mode
Stands by for 5 turns,
during which 7 Dragon Balls appear,
charge count increases by 1
per Ki Sphere obtained by allies
and by an additional 4
per Dragon Ball obtained by allies
Can be activated when HP is 77% or less, or starting from the 3rd turn from the character's entry turn (once only)
Can be activated when HP is 77% or less, or starting from the 3rd turn from the character's entry turn (once only)
Standby Transformation
Super Attack (12 Ki)
Greatly raises ATK and raises DEF for 1 turn
and causes colossal damage with
a high chance of stunning the enemy
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Ultra Super Attack (18 Ki)
Super Explosive Wave
Greatly raises ATK and raises DEF for 1 turn
and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy;
raises Super Class allies' DEF by 50% for 1 turn
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)