Card Assets

Release: 2024-04-02 06:00:00 (UTC)

Team Cost: 32
Card Stats
Base (Lv.1)
Base (Lv.120)
100% (Lv.120)
EZA (Lv.140)
100% (Lv.140)

Relaxing Time Spent in the Mountains
Super Saiyan Goku

Leader Skill
"Goku's Family" Category
Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%
Passive Skill - Enjoying a Relaxing Time
Activates the Entrance Animation when there is another "Earth-Bred Fighters" Category ally on the team
All allies' Ki +1 for 4 turn(s)
Basic effect(s)ATK & DEF 159%
"Bond of Parent and Child" Category allies' Ki +1 and ATK & DEF 30%
When attacking with 12 or more KiATK & DEF 59%
When HP is 90% or lessRecovers 7% HP
When HP is 60% or lessHigh chance of guarding all attacks
When HP is 30% or lessRecovers 10% HP High chance of launching an additional Super Attack
When there is another "Goku's Family" Category ally attacking in the same turnDamage reduction rate 30%
when guard is activated

Basic effect(s)

When attacking with 12 or more Ki

When HP is 90% or less
When HP is 60% or less
When HP is 30% or less
When there is another "Goku's Family" Category ally attacking in the same turn

Super Attack (12 Ki)
Dragon Flash
Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn,
causes supreme damage to enemy
and recovers 7% HP
Leader Skill (Extreme)
"Goku's Family" Category
Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +77%;
or AGL Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%
Passive Skill - Enjoying a Relaxing Time (Extreme)
Activates the Entrance Animation when there is another "Earth-Bred Fighters" Category ally on the team
All allies' Ki +1 for 4 turn(s)
Recovers 10% HP at the end of the character's attacking turn for 4 turn(s)
Basic effect(s)ATK & DEF 159%
"Bond of Parent and Child" Category allies' Ki +2 and ATK & DEF 30%
When attacking with 12 or more KiATK & DEF 100%
When HP is 90% or lessRecovers 10% HP
When HP is 60% or lessGuards all attacks
When HP is 30% or lessRecovers 15% HP Launches an additional Super Attack
When there is another "Goku's Family" Category ally attacking in the same turnDamage reduction rate 30%
when guard is activated ATK 59%
when attacking with 12 or more Ki

Basic effect(s)

When attacking with 12 or more Ki

When HP is 90% or less
When HP is 60% or less
When HP is 30% or less
When there is another "Goku's Family" Category ally attacking in the same turn

Super Attack (12 Ki)
Dragon Flash (Extreme)
Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn,
causes supreme damage to enemy
and recovers 10% HP