Card Assets

Release: 2016-11-24 06:30:00 (UTC)

Team Cost: 48
Card Stats
Base (Lv.1)
Base (Lv.120)
100% (Lv.120)
SEZA (Lv.140)
100% (Lv.140)

Grim Reaper of Justice's Rampage
Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks

Leader Skill
TEQ Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%
Passive Skill - Furious Fighting Spirit
When attacking with 9 or more Ki ATK 120%

Super Attack (9 Ki)
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack
Causes immense damage to enemy
Super Attack (11 Ki)
Charging Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball
Massively raises ATK for 1 turn
and causes immense damage to enemy
Super Attack (12 Ki)
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack
Causes extreme damage to enemy
and greatly lowers DEF
Leader Skill (Extreme)
TEQ Type Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%
Passive Skill - Furious Fighting Spirit (Extreme)
When attacking with 9 or more Ki ATK 140%
When attacking with 11 or less KiDEF 70%

When attacking with 11 or less Ki

Super Attack (9 Ki)
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack (Extreme)
Raises ATK for 1 turn and
causes immense damage to enemy
Super Attack (11 Ki)
Charging Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball (Extreme)
Massively raises ATK for 1 turn and
causes immense damage to enemy
Super Attack (12 Ki)
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack (Extreme)
Causes supreme damage to enemy
and greatly lowers DEF
Leader Skill (Super Extreme)
TEQ Type Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%
Passive Skill - Furious Fighting Spirit (Super Extreme)
Basic effect(s) ATK & DEF 150%
High chance of evading enemy's attack
When attacking with 9 or more KiATK 200%
DEF 100%
When attacking with 12 or more KiChance of evading enemy's attack 33%
For 3 turn(s) from the character's entry turnSuper Class allies' DEF 33%
Extreme Class allies' ATK 33%
When attacking with 11 or less KiATK & DEF 100%
For every attack performed
ATK & DEF 50%
(up to 150%)
If the character's Ki is 11 when all allies attacking in the same turn have obtained a Ki SphereChance of performing a critical hit & damage reduction rate 50%

When attacking with 9 or more Ki

When attacking with 12 or more Ki

For 3 turn(s) from the character's entry turn

When attacking with 11 or less Ki

For every attack performed

If the character's Ki is 11 when all allies attacking in the same turn have obtained a Ki Sphere

Super Attack (9 Ki)
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack (Extreme)
Raises ATK for 1 turn and
causes immense damage to enemy
Super Attack (11 Ki)
Charging Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball (Extreme)
Massively raises ATK for 1 turn and
causes immense damage to enemy
Super Attack (12 Ki)
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack (Extreme)
Causes supreme damage to enemy
and greatly lowers DEF