Card Assets

Release: 2024-02-15 06:30:00 (UTC)
Team Cost: 77
Card Stats
Base (Lv.1)
Base (Lv.150)
100% (Lv.150)

Magnificent Love That Saves the Universe
Ribrianne & Kakunsa & Rozie
Leader Skill
"Special Pose" or
"Power of Wishes" Category
Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +150%
Passive Skill - Mission to Spread Love
Activates the Entrance Animation when another 2 or more "Tournament Participants" Category allies are on the team
Changes Ki Spheres for 1 turn: STR, AGL & PHY to TEQ
Ki +3 for 3 turn(s)
Basic effect(s)Ki +3 and ATK & DEF 122%
Changes Ki Spheres: STR to TEQ Medium chance of changing Ki Spheres: AGL to TEQ Medium chance of changing Ki Spheres: PHY to TEQ
If HP is 66% or more when attackingLaunches an additional attack that has a high chance of becoming a Super Attack
When there is another "Universe Survival Saga" Category ally attacking in the same turn or a "Universe Survival Saga" Category enemyLaunches an additional attack that has a great chance of becoming a Super Attack
2 or more Type Ki Spheres obtainedKi +2 ATK & DEF 122%
and damage reduction rate 22%
when attacking
For every 2 Ki Spheres obtainedChance of performing a critical hit 22%
(up to 66%)

Basic effect(s)

If HP is 66% or more when attacking
When there is another "Universe Survival Saga" Category ally attacking in the same turn or a "Universe Survival Saga" Category enemy
2 or more Type Ki Spheres obtained

For every 2 Ki Spheres obtained

Active Skill - Giant Form
Turns into Giant Form for 2 turns
Can be activated when HP is 66% or less with another "Power of Wishes" Category ally attacking in the same turn, or starting from the 6th turn from the start of battle (once only)
Can be activated when HP is 66% or less with another "Power of Wishes" Category ally attacking in the same turn, or starting from the 6th turn from the start of battle (once only)
Active Transformation
Super Attack (12 Ki)
Lovely Carnival
Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and
causes colossal damage to enemy
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Ultra Super Attack (18 Ki)
Lovely Fantasia
Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and
causes mega-colossal damage to enemy
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Link Skills