Card Assets

Release: 2019-05-03 06:30:00 (UTC)

Team Cost: 99
Card Stats
Base (Lv.1)
Base (Lv.150)
100% (Lv.150)
EZA (Lv.150)
100% (Lv.150)

Lupine Awakening
Yamcha & Puar

Leader Skill
"Joined Forces" Category
Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%
Passive Skill - The Wolf's Weak Point?!
When attacking with 12 or more Ki ATK & DEF 20000
When attacking with 18 or more KiATK & DEF 10000
When there is a "Peppy Gals" Category enemyCharacter will be stunned

When attacking with 18 or more Ki

When there is a "Peppy Gals" Category enemy
Super Attack (12 Ki)
Wolf Fang Fist
Causes colossal damage to enemy
and lowers DEF
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Ultra Super Attack (18 Ki)
Wolf Fang Fist
Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy
and massively lowers DEF
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Leader Skill (Extreme)
"Joined Forces" Category
Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +150%
Passive Skill - The Wolf's Weak Point?! (Extreme)
Basic effect(s) Ki +5 Launches an additional attack that has a high chance of becoming a Super Attack
When attacking with 12 or more KiATK & DEF 150%
When attacking with 18 or more KiATK & DEF 100%
When there is another "Joined Forces" Category ally attacking in the same turnLaunches an additional attack that has a high chance of becoming a Super Attack
When there is a "Peppy Gals" Category enemyDEF 150%
Character will be stunned
When there are no "Peppy Gals" Category enemiesKi +3 and ATK 150%
High chance of evading enemy's attack
When attacking with 12 or more Ki

When attacking with 18 or more Ki

When there is another "Joined Forces" Category ally attacking in the same turn
When there is a "Peppy Gals" Category enemy

When there are no "Peppy Gals" Category enemies

Super Attack (12 Ki)
Wolf Fang Fist (Extreme)
Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn,
causes colossal damage to enemy
and lowers DEF
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Ultra Super Attack (18 Ki)
Wolf Fang Fist (Extreme)
Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn,
causes mega-colossal damage to enemy
and massively lowers DEF
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Link Skills