Card Assets

Release: 2018-08-24 06:30:00 (UTC)

Team Cost: 99
Card Stats
Base (Lv.1)
Base (Lv.150)
100% (Lv.150)
EZA (Lv.150)
100% (Lv.150)

Unwavering Bond
Tien & Chiaotzu

Leader Skill
All Types ATK & DEF +100%
Passive Skill - Warrior of Earth's Mettle
When attacking with 8 or more Ki ATK 10000
When attacking with 11 or more KiDEF 10000
When attacking with 14 or more KiATK & DEF 10000

When attacking with 11 or more Ki

When attacking with 14 or more Ki

Super Attack (12 Ki)
Double Dodon Ray
Causes colossal damage with
a rare chance of stunning the enemy
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Ultra Super Attack (18 Ki)
Strike of Bond
Causes mega-colossal damage
with a chance of stunning the enemy
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Leader Skill (Extreme)
All Types Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%
Passive Skill - Warrior of Earth's Mettle (Extreme)
Basic effect(s) Ki +2 and ATK & DEF 100%
For every attack performed
Ki +1 (up to +5)
When there is another "Bond of Friendship" Category ally attacking in the same turnKi +3 Medium chance of performing a critical hit
When attacking with 14 or more KiATK & DEF 50%
When attacking with 16 or more KiATK & DEF 100%
When attacking with 18 or more KiLaunches an additional attack that has a high chance of becoming a Super Attack
When attacking with 20 or more KiChance of performing a critical hit 20%
Seals the attacked enemy's Super Attack

For every attack performed

When there is another "Bond of Friendship" Category ally attacking in the same turn
When attacking with 14 or more Ki

When attacking with 16 or more Ki

When attacking with 18 or more Ki
When attacking with 20 or more Ki

Super Attack (12 Ki)
Double Dodon Ray (Extreme)
Raises DEF for 1 turn and
causes colossal damage with
a medium chance of stunning the enemy
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Ultra Super Attack (18 Ki)
Strike of Bond (Extreme)
Raises DEF for 1 turn and
causes mega-colossal damage with
a high chance of stunning the enemy
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)
Lv.20: Super Attack +30% (Super Attack power will be increased even more!)